Sunday, October 05, 2008

The New Project: Hit & Run

So what am I currently working on? I went to Dragon*Con a few weeks ago and spent most of the weekend in the Dragon*Con Independent Film Festival track. I left Dragon*Con inspired to shoot a short film. After a few days of pondering, I came up with this:
Hit and Run
Death and Horror on the Road

A self-centered driver hits and kills a cyclist on a small country road. The driver flees the scene, only to find that the cyclist has returned from the dead to get revenge.
The script has been written. A shot list is being created. Actors are being auditioned. And locations scouted. Principle shooting will take place the end of October. Fun! Fun!

So stay tuned!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Narrow Kitchen: Cast Iron Pizza

A few weeks ago I bought a Canon HV30, a great HD video camera for the price. My first project with the camera was to make a cooking video in my Narrow Kitchen. Enjoy!

The Narrow Kitchen: Cast Iron Pizza from Kevin Bingham on Vimeo.