Thursday, February 17, 2005

As seen on!

I recently read Cory Doctorow's latest short story, "I, Robot". It is a great homage to Asimov, with some current themes... Beyond the fact that Asimov's "I, Robot" seems like a recently written book (1950).

A list of what Cory has written can found on his website. A few of his writings are in the Creative Commons and free to download: Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom and A Place So Foreign and Eight More, Four Walls Eight Windows.

Cory is one of the creators of More info about Cory:
I'm the European Affairs Coordinator for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). That involves my living in London, England and spending 2-3 weeks a month on the road working to see to it that the public and geeks don't get a raw deal in technology standards, treaties and laws.

Other Free eBooks:

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