- Seven flights of fancy that fizzled
- PowerLabs Electro Magnetic Weapons!
- Bollywood Goes Digital: To boldly go where no Hollywood exec has gone before!
- Feds to launch $10 million investigation of cell phones, wireless technologies: Cancer from cellphones? Hasn't this one been around before? Never the less, something to keep an eye on.
- Microsoft to Open Music Store: Store will compete with iTunes: 500lb gorilla see, 500lb gorilla do.
- PalmSource Gets Connected, Company's new program could lead to smart phones, wireless devices.: Finally, more integration, predicted o' so long ago. Seems Palm is becoming more of a service company. Reports have it that Tivo is changing in the same way.
- Deskbar seeks in small space: Google without a browser? Doesn't MS' Longhorn tout something like this? Looks like Google beat them to the punch.
- London Wireless Map: Could have used this last September. Hey! The Starbucks where I used t-mobile is on here. Bummer that this map doesn't cover free wireless hot spots.
- Why Personal Websites Matter
- CDs 'could be history in five years': By Gibson! Shades of Cyberpunk! Could it be pie in the sky tech?
- Would you buy drugs from Bill Gates?: Cringley as usual takes things textremes, but you've got tlove the byline. Oh yes, the article is about Microsoft's use of earnings management.
- Are the Days of 32-Bit Chips Numbered? AMD says it will shift entirely to 64-bit chips by 2005.
- Sun makes deal in China/Linux desktop software to be used on 200 million computers, McNealy says: Unhappiness in Gates Manse tonight! So you might want to stay out of Redmond.
- SCo to pay lawyers millions for more legal firepower: Ouch, the brawl is going to get bloody. No mention of SCO's venture capital infusion.
- Forbes Examines SCSubpoenas
- Real Desktop Linux, Part I
- Tpush desktop Linux, radical shift may be required
- The Linux Enterprise
- Mobile users told to 'chase Bush': Tech in action! "Chase Bush", sounds like a movie plot. (No Freudian remarks please!)
- Mass. Court Strikes Down Gay-Marriage Ban: With the current conservative bent of the US, amazing that this made it through. Congrats ladies and gents!
- The Story of Mouseland as told by Tommy Douglas, 1944. Enlightening parable.
- Uncensored Gore (Vidal): The take-no-prisoners social critic skewers Bush, Ashcroft and the whole damn lot of us for letting despots rule.
- Judge Needs Time For E-Voting Decision
- Flu Cases In State Up 300 Percent In One Week. Flu Season Still Not At Its Peak: Yikes! Though I'm not surprised. I had the flu a few weeks ago. Glad I got my flu shot too.
- Mickey Mouse, American icon, reaches 75: And he doesn't look a day over 39. Surprising that the article doesn't mention the Eldred case.
- Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex by Larry Niven, is online! Ahh, a SciFi classic.
- Get the wax out! Goodbye Turntables The New DJ Revolution: mp3j's (and iPods): It keeps on spreading. Nothing new though. This type of thing has been happening in New York. With IPod, WhNeeds a Turntable?
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