- Are you an RPG junkie who uses a laptop? Then check out www.opengamingfoundation.com and Jamis Buck's RPG Generators. Need the latest in RPG news? Then take a look at Enworld. And while you are at it, need the latest errata or Sage Advice/FAQ?
- Make your own castles from molds.
- May Satan Claws bring you many things. Merry Christmas! (Big, 3.08mb)
- Dungeons and Dragons, Satan's Game (3.31mb).
- Happy B-Day! (2.65mb)
- Seafood Watch regional cards from the Monterey Aquarium.
- Milky Way's nearest neighbour revealed: Dwarf Galaxies! Nope, not Andromeda (as I thought) or the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy (discovered in 1994)."We found a large excess of these stars just below the plane of the Milky Way, spread into an elongated shape covering about 10 times the apparent size of the full Moon."
- U.S.S. Enterprise Tested at Mach5: Just watch out for that space junk with shields down.
- Endgame Chess made "interesting"
- This Guy is Falling: Neat student indie short film.
- Lap Dance: No, it's not exactly what you think. It's cat behavior distilled into Flash.
- G5's in Redmond?!?!
- Terahertz rays track down drugs: The scheme works by spectral fingerprinting -- illuminating a target envelope with tunable terahertz radiation and analyzing the absorption spectra of the resulting image. The results are cross-referenced with a database of spectra to check for the chemicals of interest. Can tricorders be far behind? How about Feinbergs?
- Interesting ideas about digital money
- Attack of the iPod Clones
- OldVersion.com: a great resource for old programs.
- EMI to offer 140.000 songs online in Europe: Oh, the hypocrisy!
FUN: Plain & simple
- Wow! Bite My Shiny Metal Ass!
- Lego Castles: Made to scale by a professor from Britain.
- www.hawaiianshirtsonline.com: Great place to get Hawaiian shirts.
- WordSpy.com: Do you know what a glurge is? How about a duppie? "Brain on a stick"?
- The O'Reilly Cover Parodies: about time to update this page and add some new ones.
- Dorkstorm The Annihilation: The ten geekiest hobbies
- Shades of Risky Business! Not just the contents of a house stolen, but also a whole house stolen. Same people? Who knows. Weird.
- Who needs radio anymore? Because radio rarely makes the music artist these days.
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